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Yellow Vessel on board!

Remember the yellow Fiberwind Vessel published in our last post? Here our colleague Valentina spotted while checking the Vessel loading on truck...from a strategic “aerial perspective” Of course, the loading activity was completed successfully! After a long travel overseas, the vessel will be installed in a chlor-alkali industry to filter salts and moisture from chlorine gas.  

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Inside a WESP

Exceptionnel and colorful view inside a WESP!Look closely to see the washing nozzles installed above the upper rods-rack: During the ordinary operation of the WESP plant, dust and pollutants sticks to the surface of the collection tubes. Nozzles inject water to clean this residual waste and improve the efficiency of the entire system!This Dry electrostatic precipitator has been installed in a sulphonation plant in Thailand, and successfully operating for over a year now (2024).

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ECS Skids

Check the configuration of this double supply of colorful skids!These elements are design for precise dosing of air and water entering the ECS - Evaporating Cooling System, to control gas temperature in a Steel Factory.Are you team ECS-blue or ECS-green?

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Annual maintenance service on site

Our PM Federico seems very satisfied with the annual WESP service in a pharmaceutical industry.During site services, safety always comes first! Our technical personnel is well trained and informed about all possible risks related to a WESP inspection.Don’t hesitate to contacts us and plan the next WESP maintenance service with the supervision of our experts, directly at your site!

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Fiberwind filters under inspection

Our Fiberwind candle filters lined up for quality inspection!These Brownian mist eliminators, made with wrapped polypropylene filtering media and enclosed in astainless steel cage, are set to be installed in a hydrogen line at a chloro-alkali facility. Their role is to remove water mist from H2 in alkali environment.Why use Polypropylene filter media?Polypropylene is used because it offers excellent resistance to alkaline environments: when hydrogen (H2) exits the membrane, it carries sodium hydroxide (NaOH), working in an alkaline environment.In such conditions, a glass fiber candle filter...

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Clenaer Air, Greener Future

During World Environment Day we like to remind that our work in AWS CORPORATION is not just aimed at boosting sales, but it is also part of a bigger objective: environmental protection, to ensure a cleaner future to the next generations.

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Ammonia skid removal system

Here you can see a member of our Atospray family:Ammonia removal system complete of dosing system + a full set of lances and nozzles. This skid will be installed in a waste-to-energy plant, based in Italy.

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Titanium filters

Special SET of Fiberwind mist eliminator ready to be installed in a wet-chlorine line in Spain.The wet-chlorine line creates an environment with low concentration of acid; therefore, the cages are made of Titanium. Another alternative for this type of application could be a set of Fiberwind filters with cages in FRP material. These filters are aimed at filtration of corrosive salts and moisture.

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LOV / OME Oil Mist Eliminators for USA

In this photo the products are still on completion: at the end of the construction, we proceed with all the required quality tests and painting. Our Customer requires a plastic protection cloth on each of them, which is very useful to avoid product damage during the transport and the storage, especially for sea-freight shipments.

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Wiremat for sulphuric acid industry

Here our warehouse boss Lucio checking this huge meshpad mist eliminator. After the quality check, packing, and shipping, the demister will be installed in a Sulphuric acid production plant, specifically inside the drying tower.

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