

5 years already passed since our WESP got installed in an incinerator (Sisteron, FRANCE).

We rediscovered the related article, published by “Entre2sites” on March 2015, and we are glad the system is successfully working since then!
The plant has been installed after the fire swept through the old electrofilter. AWS proposed its project after detailed studies, selecting the most suitable materials for the specific situation.

Our customer chose our WET ESP for different reasons:

  • Environmental: The wet ESP is the best solution to reduce emissions, dust, pollutants…find out all the features of the system on our website!
  • Economic: The customer remained some time without the Wet ESP, therefore the waste incineration was given to a third party (with relevant costs). Thanks to the optimal delivery time ensured by AWS; the customer finally managed to get back this operation internally.
  • Safety: Choice of more suitable and incombustible materials, for example the use of Hastelloy electrodes in substitution of the old ones in fiberglass SVR, but not only…the new WESP ensured an optimal safety of the overall incinerator.

The entire article (in french) is published here below, take a look!